Are you working as an expatriate in Germany and brought your family with you? As much as there is a chance to gain valuable experience abroad, it is sometimes difficult for children to feel at home in a new town, a new school or kindergarten, finding new friends, and so on. Your children may feel lonely and may not want to bother you with their feelings or their fear – because they want you to be proud of how well they can manage. Indeed, they can often cope, but sometimes, a little help is needed in order to prevent mental health issues, social anxiety, loneliness or sadness to become their daily companion.
In a warm and safe atmosphere, your child does not need to be tough. I meet your daughter or your son with genuineness, unconditional positive regard and empathy. My work is based on the Person-Centered Therapy (or Client-Centered Therapy) of the humanistic psychologist Carl R. Rogers, who I would like to cite as follows:
„It is, that the individual has within himself or herself vast resources of self-understanding, for altering his or her self-concept, attitudes and self-directed behavior – and that these resources can be tapped if only a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided“ (Rogers, 1980, p. 115).
I am here to meet your child with that very attitude. Please reach out – all information will be treated with absolute confidentiality.