Psychological help and counceling for children

Psychological help and
counceling for children 
and adolescents

Psychological help and counceling for children

Are you working as an expa­tria­te in Ger­ma­ny and brought your fami­ly with you? As much as the­re is a chan­ce to gain valuable expe­ri­ence abroad, it is some­ti­mes dif­fi­cult for child­ren to feel at home in a new town, a new school or kin­der­gar­ten, fin­ding new fri­ends, and so on. Your child­ren may feel lonely and may not want to bother you with their fee­lings or their fear - becau­se they want you to be proud of how well they can mana­ge. Inde­ed, they can often cope, but some­ti­mes, a litt­le help is nee­ded in order to pre­vent men­tal health issues, social anxie­ty, loneli­ne­ss or sad­ness to beco­me their dai­ly companion.

In a warm and safe atmo­sphe­re, your child does not need to be tough. I meet your daugh­ter or your son with genui­ne­n­ess, uncon­di­tio­nal posi­ti­ve regard  and empa­thy. My work is based on the Per­son-Cen­te­red The­ra­py (or Cli­ent-Cen­te­red The­ra­py) of the huma­ni­stic psy­cho­lo­gist Carl R. Rogers, who I would like to cite as follows:

“It is, that the indi­vi­du­al has within hims­elf or hers­elf vast resour­ces of self-under­stan­ding, for alte­ring his or her self-con­cept, atti­tu­des and self-direc­ted beha­vi­or - and that the­se resour­ces can be tap­ped if only a defi­nable cli­ma­te of faci­li­ta­ti­ve psy­cho­lo­gi­cal atti­tu­des can be pro­vi­ded” (Rogers, 1980, p. 115).

I am here to meet your child with that very atti­tu­de.  Plea­se reach out - all infor­ma­ti­on will be trea­ted with abso­lu­te confidentiality.

Andrea Salzmann mit einem patienten

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